In Pali and Sanskrit-based languages, “Sukhi hotu” means, “May you be happy and well always”. When greeting more than one person such as a gathering, the plural genre, “Sukhi hotu” is used. The daily greeting is premised on the teaching of mettā or unconditional friendliness or boundless benevolence. The universal daily greeting distinctively honors the person greeted as a fellow human being.
The wholesome mental culture of mettā the greeting invokes radiates goodwill, kindness and other lofty humane sentiments all around. The greeting simultaneously fosters wellness, happiness and wholesome emotional and mental states among people, referred to as Brahma Vihara or Sublime Abodes. The sublime mental state of Brahama Vihara is vital in ensuring healthy social structures which is grossly lacking in our global village.

President Donald Trump charmed and calmed in practicing the Lotus Greeting

King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands embraced the Lotus Greeting to Indonesian Foreign Minister Madam Retno Marsudi and Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto

President Obama and wife Michelle practicing the Universal Lotus Greeting

Ambassador Dato’ Dr. Ananda Kumaraseri is available for public talks and discussions. His Email is You may also link for an insight into his works and activities and also for free resource materials, E-books, audio and video Dhamma Talks, etc.

Sukhi hotu