The daily greeting, “Sukhi hotu” is an age-old compassionate pratana or invocation in wishing a fellow human, “May you be well and happy always”. The greeting invokes a person to be in good cheer and health which the Buddha referred to as Paraman Sukam or the highest happiness.
The greeting invokes and evokes sublime teachings and invaluable universal life lessons it notably embodies. This enables humans to live a wholesome, responsible, and meaningful life by, “being human” and not merely live as human beings in the physical or bodily sensations. In addition, the universal, timeless teachings encapsulated in the greeting are pertinent in comprehensively overcoming global challenges and even pre-empting them from happening in the first instant.
The daily greeting, therefore, is eminently beneficial to other living beings and our precariously endangered planet Earth which will be elaborated on separately in subsequent blogs. These and other cogent wholesome considerations thrust upon it a critical significance and pivotal role in the new normal of global challenges confronting the world.

This writer greets a participant in his Dhamma Talk, “Sukhi hotu”.

Ambassador Dato’ Dr. Ananda Kumaraseri is available for public talks and discussions. His Email is You may also link for an insight into his works and activities and also for free resource materials, E-books, audio, and video Dhamma Talks, etc.

Sukhi hotu