The Universal Lotus Greeting, “Sukhi hotu” is endowed with a strikingly rich history and culture stretching over 2550 years since the time of the Supremely Self-Enlightened Buddha. The age-old greeting was widely practiced by peoples across Asia as they became acculturalised with the Buddha Dhamma.
These and other cogent elements of the greeting find animated expressions when practiced in daily life by people from all walks of life. This wonderful inspiring ambiance in human interaction is vividly captured in the graphic images of the daily practice of the Universal Lotus Greeting, “Sukhi hotu”, in the electronic and print mass media.

An elderly Kashmiri lady cheerfully wished, “Sukhi hotu” in the accustomed traditional way.

Dharmaputris and Dhammaputras joyfully greeting each other, “Sukhi hotu”

The writer honored as a Maharaja of Mysore in conjunction with conducting a series of Dhamma Talks in Bangalure, in conjunction with Wesak, in 2018.